Tag Archives: Morocco

The Ultimate Morocco Bucketlist

Check these items off your list for the best Morocco experience! Get lost in the medinasThe old part of town is a maze of narrow alleyways, with something to admire around every corner. Get a fresh juice, mingle with a shop owner, take in the incredible architecture, doors, tiles and fountains — incredible craftsmanship can […]

A Dazzling Morocco Itinerary

Total Days: 9 days | Accommodations: Riads | Traveled with: A friend | Transportation: Walking within the cities, otherwise cars, trains, buses | Type of Trip: Site-seeing, admiring Moroccan art and designs, and some very good meals | Highlights: Riads, Medina mazes and an overnight in the Sahara Prepare to be dazzled! The tiles, the colors, the jewels. It’s all very impressive […]

Lessons Learned in Morocco

Fun facts and tips about Morocco and modern day life when traveling within and between the cities. Expect all financial transactions to be through cash! Except for at the riads and hotels, almost everything we paid for was in dirhams. The Moroccan Dirham (MAD) is a closed currency, so you can only obtain it when you arrive […]